Q. What is the purpose of the Foundation?
The Purpose of the Foundation is to inspire our communities to invest in regional health care for the benefit of everyone.
Q: What is done with the money that is raised?
All money raised goes to purchasing equipment, technology and upgrades at our local hospital, and also contributes to larger, regional services at the Owen Sound Hospital which are used by patients across Grey Bruce.
Q: Who are the Foundation members?
The Foundation is run by a volunteer Board of Directors which consists of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and 5 Directors, along with the CEO and President of GBHS. Of these Board members, there is a representative of the Auxiliary and a member of the Hospital staff. In addition there is a full time Foundation Executive Director and part time Financial Administrator.
Q: How can I join the Foundation?
There are a number of ways you can join the Foundation. A great way to get introduced to the working of the Foundation is to join a committee. You can also volunteer for an event, work on campaigns, work on social medial, or provide services to the staff, to name a few tasks. Contact the Foundation to find the need that fits your talents.
Q: How long can you remain as a Board member?
Board members serve a term of 3 years. They are able to serve two consecutive terms for a total of 6 years then must leave the Board for at least one year before making a request to the current Board to rejoin.
Q: How long can you remain as a committee member?
There is no time restraint on committee members. You can remain indefinitely.
Q: Do you have to be a Board member to attend the Board meetings?
Board meetings are open to the general public.
Q: Why do we need to raise money for healthcare?
The Government pays for the operational costs of running a hospital, but the capital costs (equipment, technology and upgrades) are bought by the community. Our donors are needed to raise funds so our staff can continue to provide quality healthcare to members of and visitors to our community.