Third Party Events are events that are organized by individuals, groups, or organizations that are not affiliated with Centre Grey Health Services Foundation, but work to support and enrich quality healthcare for residents of and visitors to our community.
Third party events are a fantastic way to participate in raising funds to ensure that you, your family, friends and community all have quality healthcare close to home when it is needed the most. By hosting a thir- party event you are not only supporting your Foundation financially, but you are also raising awareness and building a stronger and healthier community at large. Your support will have a meaningful impact for now and for generations to come. We thank you for your partnership.
Looking for event ideas? Come and talk to us. We will share all the insight we have. But remember, feel free to exercise your creativity, only you know your strengths, interests and resources!
We are so grateful that you have chosen to support Centre Grey Health Services Foundation. Though our resources limit the depth of our assistance, we are happy to guide and support your fundraising efforts along the way. The first step is to complete and return the Community Partner Event Proposal Form. This allows Centre Grey Health Services Foundation to endorse your event, and provides you with permission to use our logo. Once your event has been approved, CGHS Foundation can help by
- providing a letter of endorsement recognizing your event
- approve the use of our logo for the event
- list your event on the CGHS Foundation website and social media platforms
- Issue tax receipts if applicable and only if approved prior to your event
- A CGHS Foundation Board or staff member will be available for a cheque presentation either at your event or at a later date.
Centre Grey Health Services Foundation cannot provide the following:
- Guaranteed staff or volunteers
- Funding or reimbursement of expenses
- Names/addresses, mailing or email lists
- Licenses or insurance
- Prizes, or auction items
The success of your fundraiser starts with a good plan. Enlisting as much help as possible is the first step. Consider creating committees and/or sub-committees as needed so your enthusiastic volunteers are aware of their roles and duties.
Set goals by creating an attainable budget. Be sure that you can measure your progress easily by understanding both your income and expenses.
Confirm a date. Be cognizant of other events that are happening in your community and work around them. Consider matching your event to a possible theme (Sweetheart dinner/dance in February, Gingerbread House contest in December, etc).
Getting the word out is imperative. Create as much “buzz” as possible. Design and hang posters, advertise on social media, and use word of mouth as much as possible. Connect with local media wherever possible and look for free community calendars and local cultural calendars. Facebook boosts are an effective and inexpensive way to promote an event after all free avenues have been explored.
Make a “To Do” list to track all tasks that are done as well as outstanding. Knowing tasks and making sure all are complete prior to the event will make for a more relaxing event.
Take the time to enjoy your Fundraiser. Pat yourself and your entire team on the back. You have just helped your community, raised funds and experienced a positive and enjoyable event!
We request that you collect and submit all proceeds to CGHS Foundation within 45 days of the event. Your hard word deserves to be shared. A cheque presentation can be arranged through the Foundation office. Articles thanking your volunteers/donors/participants should be provided to the media and social media as soon as possible. Be sure to personally thank all of your volunteers to let them know how much their efforts were appreciated.
We are also excited about your event, so be sure to tell us all about it. We thank you for partnering with Centre Grey Health Services Foundation.